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March 1, 2007
PMA Pre-Show Announcements: 01-March-2007
PMA updates are starting to pour in; the pre-show frenzy is underway. For today's roundup - Corel and Lexar continue their bundling of PSP 10 Pro and Snapfire, Quantum announces a very portable softbox and XRite's latest i1 calibration device features an ambient light sensor.
Corel and Lexar are extending their offer of bundling a full version Paint Shop Pro 10 with select Professional media cards, and select Professional II cards will come with a full version of Snapfire Plus Standard Edition.
Looking for a very portable Softbox for your Quantum flash? The QF69 will fit your Quantum Q4d, 5d and 5d-R flashguns and thanks to it's near 180-degree coverage, it's a perfect diffuser match for wide-angle lenses.
X-Rite announces a new line of calibration devices called i1Display. The i1Display LT features a removable ambient light sensor and the i1Display2 has all the features of the LT plus the ability to color-match across groups of monitors.
Posted by covey22 at March 1, 2007 7:52 PM