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December 30, 2007
Nikonians On Location #1
The Inaugural broadcast of the Nikonian's On Location with your host Martin Joergensen.
Click here to download Nikonians On Location Podcast #1 (NPC-OL-2007-12-30; 39:24; 36.1MB, MP3 format).
Show Notes: December 1, 2007
0:28 Welcome and Introduction
1:30 Boring Light
2:55 Finding the Location
5:40 Show Concept
9:00 Subject of this shoot
10:55 The Shoot
33:43 Packing Up
Click here to view Nikonians On Location Video Supplement #1 (NPC-OL-2007-12-30; 6:46; flash format).
[iTunes] Subscribe to the Nikonians Podcast directly in iTunes
[RSS] Add the Nikonians Podcast feed to your RSS reader
[Vote] Vote for us on Podcast Alley!
Questions, Comments, Announcements?
Email Martin at onlocation@nikonians.org, or drop us a line in the Podcast Feedback forum!
Posted by jozef at 7:05 PM
December 28, 2007
New Podcast: On Location
New Podcast On Location is coming December 30th. Your host Martin Joergensen is "on location" shooting and sharing experiences and tips.
On Location - A podcast that will take the listener on the adventure that is the mind of a photographer. Listen with Martin Joergensen as he faces severe weather, traffic jams, wild dogs and other adversity to capture that magic shot.
Do not miss out and make sure you tune in December 30th at
Martin Joergensen is a semi-pro photographer with a former career as a journalist and editor-in-chief. Being a bachelor in biology with Arctic biology as a main interest, he has a preference for the great outdoors - and a certain liking for rough conditions and cold weather.
The Nikonians Podcast Team
Posted by bgs at 2:02 PM
December 27, 2007
Test your Holiday shots with a free enlargement
Nikonians worldwide are receiving free 13x19" enlargements through a special offer now available online. This is the perfect time to test that new Nikon camera or lens you may have received (or presented) as a gift.
You may also have a treasured family photo that would be ideal for framing.
The free enlargements can be ordered by logging in to an easy order form that helps Nikonians upload photos, which will then be enlarged to 13x19" / DIN A3 (297 x 420 mm) on their choice of three high grade photo papers.
Depending on membership level, Nikonians have either one (Silver), two (Gold) or three (Platinum) enlargements available.
The information gathered in this offer is for internal administrative use only. Don't forget to check the options for types of paper and bordering at the bottom of the screen.
Most USA Nikonians can expect to see their prints within one to two weeks. Overseas shipping time varies depending on location.
Posted by flashdeadline at 9:14 AM
ID#56: The Image Doctors
This week, Rick and Jason are joined in the studio by Dave Black, who answers questions about Nikon's new flagship DSLR, the Nikon D3.
Looking for an Image Doctors Episode? Check the show archives here.
Download The Image Doctors #56 (NPC-ID-2007-12-27.mp3; 51:28; 17.8MB; MP3 format)
Show Notes: December 27, 2007
00:41 Dave Black on the Nikon D3
46:17 Photo Prescription: Tips for the Nikon D3
[iTunes] Subscribe to the Image Doctors directly in iTunes.
[RSS] Add the Image Doctors feed to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically to you.
[Vote] Vote for us on Podcast Alley!
Posted by drjay32 at 4:46 AM
December 25, 2007
Nikonians cited in book on marketing and PR
Bestselling author David Meerman Scott has included the Nikonians community in his newest book The New Rules of Marketing and PR.
Scott's book describes the rapid evolution of marketing and public relations in the new world of online information sharing.
In his book (published by John Wiley and Sons) Scott inludes a section entitled Your Best Customers Participate in Online Forums--So Should You.
He cites Nikonians by name in that chapter as he describes the impact of online digital photography forums on the marketplace in general and a specific case in particular.
B.J. Nicholls (BJNicholls) and George Barron (N80) are two of our community members quoted in the case study, which shows how one company representative quickly turned a potential negative public relations problem into a positive, by joining in on the conversation.
David Meerman Scott's blog site Web Ink Now provides links to many interesting marketing and public relations case studies and his complete line of audio seminars and published works.
Posted by flashdeadline at 1:26 AM
Nikonians invited to book party in Belgium
Nikonian Pascal Baetens (pbaetens) has invited us to a Christmas drink and book party on Thursday, December 27. His invitation is presented below:
Dear friends and colleagues,
May I first of all wish you the best for a Merry Christmas and a beautiful, pleasant and unforgettable 2008! Let the force be with you!
For those of you who will be in Belgium: I'd love to welcome you on 27 December at my studio at Salve Mater, Lovenjoel, Belgium, for a Christmas drink and a book party: my latest book "Nude Photography, the Art and the Craft", will then be officially presented to the Belgian public.
"Nude photography", published by Dorling-Kindersley (DK), London, is a -I find- beautiful "how-to" book, with a historic chapter, 120 pages of tips and tricks and finally 10 portfolios with how-to explanation by some of worlds finest nude photographers, such as Andreas Bitesnich, Sylvie Blum, Alan Jenkins and Ragne Sigmond.
What you can expect:
Book introduction by Bruno Vetters, president of the Belgian Federation of Professional Photographers; presentation of Fine Art Tv (www.finearttv.tv), my new set of workshops, exhibition by my assistants, party with DJ Fluxus, musical and visual surprises...
- When: Thursday 27 Dec; 16-18 h (press conference); 20-24h (party)
- Address: Salve Mater, Groot Park 1, 3360 Lovenjoel (route description via www.mappy.be)
- Dress Code: winter elegance (the building is not completely heated)
- Income: free, of course
- Guests: 'all good hearted people' are welcome; bring your friends with you, and spread the rumour! Please let me know the size of your party.
*** Please confirm your presence via email:
pascal.baetens (at)skynet.be
Hope to see you soon!
PS: don't drink 'n drive...
PS 2: books can also be sent out by mail.
Pascal Baetens (mqep)
chief editor Fine Art Tv
fine art photography
editorial productions
Posted by flashdeadline at 12:50 AM
December 24, 2007
Weekly News From the Nikonians Academy
Monitor calibration featured in new special workshops
From the mobile desk of Nikonians Academy Director Mike Hagen:
The Academy has teamed up with datacolor to bring their Spyder 3 Elite display calibration tools to our workshops. At our Steamlined Digital Workflow and Inkjet Printing workshops, we'll go into detail about how to calibrate your monitor the professional way.
In addition to a whole host of other topics at these workshops, we are going to thoroughly cover calibration of LCDs, CRTs and laptop screens.
We'll go through how to set up your system for changing ambient light conditions using the Spyder 3 Elite's embedded ambient light sensor. We'll have a number of test units setup and ready to go at the workshops, so you can calibrate your laptops in real time. Join us for these marquee workshops as we show you the best way to streamline your digital printing workflow.
Don't forget about the kickoff workshops of 2008! We still have seats available in Houston, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Our initial workshops will be D200 Advanced, iTTL Flash, D70/D80 and D200 In Depth.
This is going to be an exciting year of great workshops all around the USA.
Our most popular travel workshop right now is Banff, Alberta. We have just a few spots remaining for photographing in this beautiful section of our planet. If you've ever wanted to photograph the alpine lakes and mountains of the Canadian Rockies, then don't let this May 21-May 24 workshop pass you by. We have many more currently on the schedule and a couple of additional ones to add to Yosemite Nationla Park and the Olympic Mountains National Park.
I've been getting lots of questions about Nikon Capture NX workshops for 2008. We've incorporated our Nikon Capture NX training into two
- Advanced Digital Imaging Workflow. Here we'll go in depth into Capture NX and use this amazing program to prepare images for prints. We cover all the functions, control points, user defined color preferences and professional level photo editing.
- Streamlined Digital Workflow and Inket Printing. In this workshop, we go through how to set up Capture NX for printing by setting up appropriate preferences, cropping, sizing and output.
Have a Happy New Year everyone!
Posted by flashdeadline at 4:12 PM
December 23, 2007
Nikonians News Flash #75
Tune in for your weekly dose of Nikonians News Flash! Chock full of news from your friendly neighborhood Nikonians Community!
Download Nikonians News Flash #75 (NPC-NF-2007-12-23.mp3; 8:12; 7.5MB; MP3 format)
December 23, 2007
In The News:
Updates from the Nikonians Academy.
More Nikonians News:
Nikonains can get FREE 13x19 prints from an HP B9180
Missed the Image Doctors? See why!
Nikon News:
The D300 gets field-tested in Antarctica by LetsGoDigital!.
Other News:
Phase One announces Capture One version 4.
From The Forums:
In the Cafe'
The Depressing State of Photography Today.
Kudos to Rick for his winning photos!
Forum of the Week:
Constructive Critique & Technical Advice
Jessica's Choice Photo:
Morning Blue.
Questions, Comments, Announcements?
Email Jessica at newsflash@nikonians.org, or drop us a line in the Podcast Feedback forum!
Posted by odle2 at 12:54 PM
December 21, 2007
Phase One rolls out Capture One 4
The successor to Phase One's entry-level Capture One LE RAW workflow software is now available.
According to Phase One's Press Release, Capture One 4 features a new user interface that puts the emphasis on images instead of sliders and controls.
Existing Capture One customers can upgrade to Capture One 4 at no extra cost.
It is designed for Windows XP (SP2)/Vista and Mac OS X 10.4.11 and 10.5, Capture One 4 is available now via download at https://www.phaseone.com/4 for $129 USD and 99 EUR through Phase One's e-Shop.
Posted by flashdeadline at 8:03 PM
December 20, 2007
Image Doctors Postponed until 27 December
This week's episode of The Image Doctors has been postponed until December 27th, as Jason has welcomed the arrival of a new baby boy. We'll resume our biweekly schedule next week.
-Jason & Rick
Posted by drjay32 at 4:48 PM
Free HP High Quality Prints for Nikonians
Nikonians Silver, Gold and Platinum members now have a rare opportunity to obtain free 13x19 prints produced by an HP B9180 13x19" Pro Photo Inkjet Printer.
The HP B9180 printer has been drawing rave reviews from Nikonians who had a chance to test it.
HP has decided to expand the opportunity for Nikonians to upload images they have photographed for free 13x19" enlargements from an HP B9180 on three options of high quality HP paper stock.
The offer is available to all Silver, Gold and Platinum members. Once they click to access the order screen, they will be asked to login with their username and password.
The order screen will instantly show your membership level.
Silver Members will automatically have a free print available. Gold Members will be upload two images, and Platinum Nikonians get a maximum of three.
This ordering process can only be done once, so if you have the option to select more than one image for upload make sure you have made your choices before you place the order.
You won't be able to log in to the order screen again.
You can choose from:
Artist Matte Canvas, Professional Satin Photo Paper and HP-Hahnemühle Smooth Fine Art Paper with border or borderless. All prints will be 13x19" / DIN A3 (297 x 420 mm).
You will receive an email confirmation of your order (usually within minutes).
The prints will be produced the same day you placed the order by an HP B9180 13x19" Pro Photo Inkjet Printer and be shipped to your address.
Shipping time estimates vary depending on your location. Most USA Nikonians can expect to see their prints within one to two weeks.
Posted by flashdeadline at 11:02 AM
December 18, 2007
The D300 takes on Antarctica
Nikonians enjoying their brand new Nikon D300's will no doubt wonder how well this new camera can handle extreme cold temperatures. From the frozen expanses of Antarctica, LetsGoDigital has the answer.
LetsGoDigital has just posted an article by Jan Vermeer with his impressions of the camera's handling characteristics in conditions he describes as "the driest, most windy and coldest place on the earth."
His article is currently available in German, but if you don't speak the language, have no fear; - the images are universally self-explanatory.
Check the large collection of Antarctica Expedition images in this special gallery.
Posted by flashdeadline at 4:53 PM
December 17, 2007
Holiday Shipping: The Critical Dates
For many online shoppers, the calendar days are shrinking rapidly and some are anxiously looking for when their packages will arrive. Today's Newsline International edition (17-Dec) lists the peak days of some of the more popular delivery and retail store channels, as well as the cutoff day for packages to arrive by 25-December.
The important planning consideration in all cases is to make sure your online source has plans to run their shipping operations as close to Christmas as possible. As an example: Lou Schmidt of Hoodman Corporation advises Hoodman is ready to ship photographer stocking stuffer gifts all the way up to Friday. They plan to ship on the same day as ordered up to December 21st.
Posted by covey22 at 9:36 PM
December 16, 2007
Weekly News From the Nikonians Academy
Academy teams with HP to enhance new workshops
From the mobile desk of Nikonians Academy Director Mike Hagen:
HP will be providing a vital element in the new one-day Streamlined Digital Workflow and Inkjet Printing workshops beginning next month, and the special four-day Advanced Digital Imaging Workflow workshops which will be limited to only two sessions next year.
Our newest one-day workshops on digital printing and workflow are aimed specifically at those of you who are interested in creating the highest quality ink jet prints.
We have teamed up with Hewlett Packard to provide professional HP Photosmart Pro B9180 printers at the workshops. Everyone in the class will be creating large format 13"x19" prints using these beautiful printing systems. At the workshop, we'll also be using the newest calibration tools from datacolor to show the correct method for LCD, CRT and laptop calibration. Find out more information on our Streamlined Digital Workflow & Inkjet Printing workshop at www.nikoniansacademy.com
To compliment the printing and workflow workshops, we have created a 4-day printing and workflow series for those of you who want to go to the next level. We are only running two of these in 2008. Titled Advanced Digital Imaging Workflow, each will feature a full printing lab setup with networked HP B9180 printers, tons of printing supplies, color calibration tools and lots of other high-end digital technology. Beyond just printing, we'll also have full Photoshop For Photographers instruction, Capture NX classes, Digital Asset Management course, Black and White printing classes and much more. This is truly an Advanced class and is meant for those of you who are serious about your photography. The two locations selected for the these advanced level workshops are San Francisco, starting April 10, 2008, and Dallas, starting June 12, 2008.
An added benefit for both the one day and four-day workshops co-sponsored by Hewlett-Packard USA is each student gets a $100 rebate coupon for the online purchase of an HP B9180 13"x19" Pro Photo Inkjet Printer.
Our first workshops of 2008 begin right away in January for those of you in Vancouver BC, San Francisco, Houston and Los Angeles. Sign up quickly before the seats are sold out!
From the Nikonians Academy staff: Have a Merry Christmas and keep shooting!
Posted by flashdeadline at 6:00 PM
Nikonians News Flash #74
Tune in for your weekly dose of Nikonians News Flash! Chock full of news from your friendly neighborhood Nikonians Community!
Download Nikonians News Flash #74 (NPC-NF-2007-12-16.mp3; 7:50; 7.2MB; MP3 format)
December 16, 2007
In The News:
Updates from the Nikonians Academy.
More Nikonians News:
Download your copy of The Nikonian, #36!
Nikonian Albert Esschendal gets his photographs in LetsGoDigital's Cologne Nikon Solutions Expo collection.
Nikon News:
Nikon's D300 wins award!.
Updates to ViewNX for Mac and Windows.
Other News:
Canon vs. Nikon at PhotoBiz Blog.
Supplement Two to The Photographer's Guide to CaptureNX is out!
From The Forums:
IR forum? Let us know!
Luke Davis is looking for Nikonians in the NJ/NYC area.
Forum of the Week:
Nikonian Ladies
Jessica's Choice Photo:
Questions, Comments, Announcements?
Email Jessica at newsflash@nikonians.org, or drop us a line in the Podcast Feedback forum!
Posted by odle2 at 12:08 PM
December 14, 2007
Nikon ViewNX Updated to Version 1.03
Nikon has released another update to the ViewNX utility (Windows/Mac); the changes include bug fixes to Coolpix Movie and still photo integration, IPTC compatibilities with other editing programs and light-falloff corrections with the Nikon D3 and 70-200VR and 80-200 AF-S telephoto zooms.
Posted by covey22 at 5:17 PM
LetsGoDigital and the Nikon D80 Go Shark Diving
Our adventurous colleagues at LetsGoDigital took the Sea & Sea DX-D80 underwater housing (designed for the Nikon D80 digital SLR) for a dive in shark-populated Carribean waters. Be sure to check out the amazing shots in the article, including one about a tiger shark who wanted his own camera for the holidays!
Posted by covey22 at 4:48 PM
Profoto AcuteB Free Flash Head Offer
Profoto is running a great holiday offer - buy a Profoto AcuteB 600 or 600R battery pack and receive a matching flash head free (USD699 value).
Posted by covey22 at 4:30 PM
December 13, 2007
Nikon D300: Pop Photo's 2007 Camera of the Year
Congratulations go out to Nikon for winning Popular Photography's Camera of the Year in 2007 with the stunning D300! Be sure to check out the Camera Test results as well.
Posted by covey22 at 3:17 PM
PhotoBiz Blog: D3 and 1Ds Mark III Shootout
We stumbled across an interesting Nikon D3 versus Canon 1Ds Mark III shootout. While the methodology isn't as detailed as some of the usual hardware review sites, the results speak for themselves.
Posted by covey22 at 3:05 PM
Nikonians appear in LetsGoDigital Cologne report
Our friends at LetsGoDigital have chosen a few photos taken by Nikonian Albert Esschendal (alberte) to add to their collection of images from the recent Nikon Solutions Expo in Cologne.
Albert joined the volunteers who arrived to help the Nikonians Team, led by our Publishing and Communications Manager Joe Feser and Advertising Sales Associate Katarina Mintalova.
Albert's photos were a few of many that he eventually posted in a special gallery of Nikon Solutions Cologne Images.
If you want a taste of the many Nikon Solutions Expo events during the past few weeks, check the report filed by our own Brian Tilley (briantilley) in the latest edition of The Nikonians eZine #36, now available for download. It starts on page 10.
Posted by flashdeadline at 3:01 PM
Your Best Tool: The Camera's User Manual
Noted photographer Lindsay Silverman shares his thoughts on how to best wring out the maximum potential of your camera's manual in this Nikon World Online article.
Posted by covey22 at 2:58 PM
December 12, 2007
14-24mm f2.8 G ED AFS: A Canon Must Have
Even Canon users cannot resist using Nikkor optics, and this is certainly true of the new Nikon 14-24mm f2.8G ED AFS, which promises to deliver stunning images on full-frame cameras like the 5D and 1D series. Canon EF to Nikon AF mount converters have been available for a while, and this initial report at 16-9.net shows the amazing results.
Posted by covey22 at 3:32 PM
Update: Tamron AF28-300 XR VC with Built-In Motor
As we reported in October, the Tamron AF28-300 XR with Vibration Compensation has successfully re-launched according to the manufacturer. The Nikon version is still forthcoming, but the additional details on the specifications page now indicate that Tamron will continue the trend to include built-in motors that started with the 2nd generation AF18-250 announcement. These lenses are clearly aimed at appealing to the large community of Nikon D40/D40X owners.
Posted by covey22 at 3:05 PM
December 11, 2007
Qflash Academy Available Online and on DVD
Popular lighting manufacturer Quantum has established the Qflash Academy; a series of short video lessons on how to use Qflash, Turbo Batteries, the wireless FreeXwire system and Qnexus. The lessons are available online or a free DVD will be sent on request.
Posted by covey22 at 8:47 PM
December 10, 2007
Snippets from Newsline International 10-Dec-2007
Some interesting snippets from today's Newsline International:
CompUSA, a national chain of technology stores across the US, will shutter an undisclosed number of stores after the holidays. The downsizing follows the recent sale of the conglomerate to the Gordon Brothers group.
Fujifilm aficionados will be pleased to hear about the revival of Velvia 50 in 35mm format, at least in Japan. Availability is expected after 16-December.
Posted by covey22 at 8:40 PM
Photographer's Guide to Capture NX Supplement now available
A brand new, 57-page addition to The Photographer's Guide to Capture NX is now available from Luminescence of Nature Press.
The new addition to the popular eBook by Dr. Jason P. Odell (who also co-hosts the popular Nikonians Image Doctors podcasts) completely covers all the new features in Nikon Capture NX 1.3, including Picture Control and Active D-Lighting.
The Photographer's Guide to Capture NX: Supplement Two is to date the only resource manual to describe in detail Nikon's newest version of their Capture NX software. The supplement is a free update to all registered users of the original "Guide."
The Photographer's Guide to Capture NX, written by Nikonian Jason P. Odell, is the acclaimed user manual for anyone wishing to process Nikon RAW files with Capture NX. Since 2006, the "Guide" has helped thousands of Nikon users quickly and easily master the art of RAW processing, and has received rave reviews from the photographic community.
Instructions for obtaining Supplement Two are here:
Posted by flashdeadline at 5:03 PM
Fantasea Coolpix L14 Housing
Fantasea updates it's family of underwater housings, this time for the Coolpix L14. It features a 46mm front thread port, removable flash diffuser and is rated to 200 feet or 60 meters (January 2008 availability).
Posted by covey22 at 4:34 PM
Weekly News From the Nikonians Academy
Travel Trips posted, a hint for Santa and a two rare workshops
From the mobile desk of Nikonians Academy Director Mike Hagen:
We've justed posted details on a new slate of Travel Photography workshops and have a unique gift idea to share for the Holidays. The workshops schedule also adds a pair of four-day workshops to be held in San Francisco and Dallas. We also have the first of many new Nikon D300 and D3 tips: with a quick look at White Balancing improvements.
Our Travel Photography workshops are online! We've posted workshops for:
- Moab, UT; Delicate Arch, Balanced Rock, Canyonlands
- Page, AZ; Slot Canyons, Glen Canyon, Horseshoe Bend
- Skagit Valley Tulip Festival
- Albuquerque Balloon Festival
- Banff, Alberta, Canada National Park, Bow Valley, Lakes.
All of these trips will be a mixture of classroom training and field photography. We've chosen some of North America's most beautiful locations to host our travel and nature photography workshops. You'll learn about setting up your Nikon Digital SLR, professional field techniques, refining your creative vision, software and techniques for taking amazing photographs. These trips will be an incredible opportunity to learn photography in a hands-on, real world environment. They are all focused on making memorable images, so we'll be waking up early and staying up late. We have a few more workshops to post (Olympic National Park is on the list) and we'll do so when we get venues and dates locked down.
Looking for a good present to buy your spouse in time for the Holiday Season? Why don't you get them what they really want ... admission to a Nikonians Academy workshop. You can buy a workshop seat and then give it to your spouse or friend as a Christmas present. Help your favorite person learn how to print in our hands on Digital Workflow and Printing workshop. Check our Nikonians Academy website for the schedules that fit your location and scheduling opportunities. Our January schedule takes us to Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Vancouver BC.
We have a new four-day workshop to announce posted called Advanced Digital Imaging Workflow. This will only be held in two cities this year; San Francisco Bay Area and Dallas, TX. The workshops will include full printing labs, computers, software, monitors, calibration equipment. We will provide everything you need to succeed at digital workflow and digital printing. These are four days of advanced instruction for advanced photographers.
Quick Tip---
Here's a quick White Balance tip for all you Nikon D300 and D3 users out there. With my previous Nikon digital SLRs (D2X, D200, D80, D70, etc.) I've liked to set my white balance for Cloudy -1 when taking photos outdoors. I would set it this way for general photography because I like the additional warmth that the setting created for my photos. I found that Cloudy -1 best reproduced the warmth I'd get in my slide film days when I used an 81A warming filter.
Now, with the D300 and D3, we have a new way to fine tune our white balance by using a four color axis chart! To get to the same setting as Cloudy -1, I now set my Nikon D300/D3 for "Cloudy A2." The "A" stands for amber and the "2" is the fine tune amount. The scale goes from A1 to A6. A2 changes the color by approximately 10 mired (my-erd). Really, what's happening is you are changing the white balance from about 6000K to approximately 6200K.
The White Balance grid is called the A-B, G-M grid and it allows much greater control over white balance than we've ever had before. A-B stands for Amber - Blue. G-M stands for Green - Magenta.
The Amber - Blue axis typically is used for warming (amber) or cooling (blue) your photo.
These are the traditional white balance controls. The Green - Magenta axis is used for color correction purposes in artificial lighting situations.
Back in the film days, we'd use CC (color correction) filters to help balance indoor lighting scenarios. For example, we used a Magenta CC filter to balance fluorescent lights to daylight color film. Most of the time, you'll be making your changes in the A-B axis, however there are times when you'll be confronted with difficult artifical lights, and you'll make a change in the Green - Magenta area to get consistent colors.
We've created a new workshop on the Nikon D300 that will help you navigate the new features available with this camera. Check out all of our workshops at the Nikonians Academy website.
Posted by flashdeadline at 12:01 AM
December 9, 2007
Nikonians News Flash #73
Tune in for your weekly dose of Nikonians News Flash! Chock full of news from your friendly neighborhood Nikonians Community!
Download Nikonians News Flash #73 (NPC-NF-2007-12-09.mp3; 9:00; 8.3MB; MP3 format)
December 09, 2007
In The News:
Updates from the Nikonians Academy.
More Nikonians News:
Download your copy of The Nikonian, #36!
Nikon News:
Capture Control Pro v 2.0.
D3 and D300 manuals are online now!
Check out samples from the D3 from our friends at Imaging Resource and LetsGoDigital.
Other News:
Sigma updates their 50-150 f2.8 DC and 70-200 f2.8 EX lenses.
Tamron's new 18-250mm!
Adobe Camera Raw v. 4.3.1 is out for download.
From The Forums:
In the Cafe'
Photography & Luck!.
Forum of the Week:
Micro, Macro & Close-up Photography
Jessica's Choice Photo:
Christmas Armadillo.
Questions, Comments, Announcements?
Email Jessica at newsflash@nikonians.org, or drop us a line in the Podcast Feedback forum!
Posted by odle2 at 12:20 PM
December 7, 2007
The Nikonian, eZine 36, ready for download
Nikonians official magazine, now in its 36th edition, is ready to help you make up your mind on last minute Holiday gift giving ideas. It also includes technical background on the new UDMA technology, D300 first impressions and a pair of Nikonians Team Profiles.
Download your free copy today!
Highlights in this issue also include:
A first-hand report from the recent Nikon Solutions Expos in Europe, an explanation on how to use polarizing filters in the digital world, Nikonians Photographers of the Year 2007 Contest updates, a quick look at the new AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR lens, and a handy Nikonians information Essential Links Guide.
Posted by flashdeadline at 10:44 AM
December 6, 2007
Clear some space on your hard drive for D3 samples
Our good friends at LetsGoDigital have just posted a monster selection of Nikon D3 sample photos sure to be of interest to the Nikonians community.
Dennis Hissink's hands-on review of the Nikon D3 includes stunning images from a short visit to Florence, Italy where he used the camera to photograph historical sites, inside museums and old buildings. Downloading the original NEF's will put your system to the test. Each are in the 12 MB range.
Posted by flashdeadline at 10:13 PM
Adobe Camera RAW 4.3.1 Is Released
The latest Adobe Camera Raw release fixes a problem where compressed .NEF files from the D100 would not properly open. (Windows and Mac)
Posted by covey22 at 5:36 PM
ID#55: The Image Doctors
Rick and Jason both received their D300 and D3 bodies last week, and in this episode, they give their hands-on first impressions of the Nikon D300 DSLR. In addition, The Image Doctors were able to get a brief telephone interview with Nikon Pro Vincent Versace, who gives his take on the D300 as well.
Looking for an Image Doctors Episode? Check the show archives here.
Download The Image Doctors #55 (NPC-ID-2007-12-06.mp3; 54:40; 12.6MB; MP3 format)
Show Notes: December 6, 2007
2:00 Vincent Versace on the D300
Learn more from Vincent at his website and educational shop
15:12 Jason and Rick's D300 hands-on preview
51:42 Photo Prescription: Linking effects into a single Edit Step in Capture NX
[iTunes] Subscribe to the Image Doctors directly in iTunes.
[RSS] Add the Image Doctors feed to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically to you.
[Vote] Vote for us on Podcast Alley!
Posted by drjay32 at 2:15 PM
Photo galleries popular
Photo gallery sites, such as the Nikonians Images, are growing strongly on the net thanks to a flood of images produced by amateur photographers, using DSLR's and compact digital cameras.
Contests, such as those provided by Nikonians, drive interest from aspiring and seasoned photographers, giving the winners valuable exposure and often also good prizes.
Posted by bgs at 2:11 PM
December 5, 2007
Nikon D3 Unboxed and Sample Shots
With word of the Nikon D3 arriving in store shelves over the past few days, we'd like to whet your appetite for the new FX camera by seeing what it looks like unboxed and a gander at some of the sample shots (including ISO 25600) by our colleagues at Imaging Resource.
Posted by covey22 at 4:24 PM
Over 128,000 reads our eZine
The last Nikonian eZine issue #35 attracting over 128,000 readers picking up there own, electronic version of our magazine.
What started as a plain text newsletter back in the year of 2000 has become a strong publication, with over 100,000 readers per issue. In large, this is thanks to the eZine team at Nikonians, consisting of volunteers and staff under the lead of Chief Editor Tom Boné.
Posted by bgs at 2:44 PM
December 4, 2007
Tamron Debuts 18-250mm Di with Built-In Motor
Tamron has joined the ranks of manufacturers building coreless drive lenses (i.e., Silent Wave, Hypersonic Motor) with the announcement of a 2nd-generation 18-250mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II.
Details were not available in the press release, but the lens is clearly aimed at attracting D40 and D40X owners that desire to maintain autofocus capability with their optics collection.
Posted by covey22 at 9:04 PM
Nikon D3/D300 Online Manuals
The online manuals for the Nikon D3 and Nikon D300 are now available, as are approved Compactflash card lists (D3,D300).
Posted by covey22 at 6:29 PM
Thom Hogan's Guide to Fujifilm S5 Pro
Thom Hogan's Guide to the Fujifilm S5 Pro digital SLR is now available for orders.
Posted by covey22 at 4:09 PM
Nikon Capture Control Pro 2.0 Now Available
Nikon Camera Control Pro 2.0 is now available for download in both upgrade and full versions. Registration Keys are for sale through the Nikon Mall. This latest version adds support for the recently released D3 and D300 Digital SLRs.
Posted by covey22 at 4:01 PM
Sigma Updates 50-150 f2.8 DC and 70-200 f2.8 EX
Sigma has slightly updated the 50-150mm f2.8 EX DC HSM and the 70-200mm f2.8 EX DG Macro HSM (both new lenses distinguished with a Generation "II" label). The digital-only lens receives an additional SLD element in the Macro receives an improved close focusing ability.
Posted by covey22 at 3:32 PM
December 3, 2007
From Albuquerque to Washington DC
Nikoniansacademy.com is holding workshops on popular and important photography themes throughout the United States. There are a few seats still available for 2007, so if you are interested in learning more about your camera, flash and printer, do not wait and sign up today.
Posted by bgs at 6:27 PM
Nikonians complete Nikon Solutions Expo appearances
Our traveling Nikonians Team (which has spent the past week participating in the Nikon Solutions Expos in London and Cologne) is now home, and they are thanking their volunteers.
Nikonians Team Leader Joachim Feser reports Day Two in Cologne was even better than the previous day. They had more visitors and more interest at the booth. "The feedback on the concept of Nikonians was very positive," he said. "We also had a lot of interest in our PhotoProShop."
Joe tells us it was a well organized event "especially if you consider that it was the first of its kind in Germany."
"A special thank you goes to our volunteers who helped us in spreading the word. Every member who agreed on helping out showed up as promised and they all helped Katarina and me a big deal. We also want to thank HP for the use of a Photosmart Pro B9180 Printer at our booth."
A special "News Blog Thanks" goes to Nikonian Albert Esschendal (alberte), who supplied us with images during the Expos. He has also taken the initiative to post a collection of his Expo images, and a quick summary of his participation in our "About Nikonians" forum. In additon, Albert was a popular attraction, while demonstrating his skills with the Gary Fong WhaleTail® Studio - Flash Diffuser.
Posted by flashdeadline at 10:51 AM
Weekly News From the Nikonians Academy
Academy schedule for 2008 includes new locations and workshop topics
From the mobile desk of Nikonians Academy Director Mike Hagen:
Do you know what Santa is bringing you this Holiday Season? Hopefully, you've been good and you'll find a brand new Nikon D300 under the tree! If so, you'll be glad to know we've created a new workshop on the Nikon D300 that will help you navigate this technological wonder. Check out all of our D300 workshops at the Nikonians Academy website.
You can also start signing up now for our January '08 workshops in Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Vancouver BC.
Winston Hall and I will be leading workshops on Nikon D200 Advanced, Nikon iTTL flash, Streamline Digital Workflow and Inkjet Printing and Nikon D80/D70.
We are very close to posting our full series of Travel and Nature Photography workshops for 2008. We'll be going to places like Moab, Olympic Peninsula NP, Arches, Albuquerque Balloon Festival, Africa and more. We take pride in our trips and you'll find the small class sizes worth your time. Watch the Nikonians Academy home page for news of the new workshops. By the way -- we've posted the second African Safari to Tanzania and have already filled a number seats.
Posted by flashdeadline at 10:12 AM
December 2, 2007
Nikonians News Flash #72
Tune in for your weekly dose of Nikonians News Flash! Chock full of news from your friendly neighborhood Nikonians Community!
Download Nikonians News Flash #72 (NPC-NF-2007-12-02.mp3; 5:26; 5.0MB; MP3 format)
December 02, 2007
In The News:
Nikon News:
Check out the Digitours of the D3 and the D300.
Vista Codex updates for the D3 and D300 RAW format.
Nikonians News:
The Nikonians were in full-force at the Nikon Solutions Expos in London and Cologne!
Don't miss our new podcast : Turning Pro!
Other News:
The Eye-Fi comes highly recommended!
Get accredited by the Sports Photographers Association of America!
From The Forums:
In the Cafe'
I dream of Jeannie, no, lenses..
Who wears photographers' vests these days?.
December's Online Photo Assignment: Specular Highlights.
Forum of the Week:
Turning Pro-Becoming a Professional Photographer
Jessica's Choice Photo:
Perth Nikonians.
Questions, Comments, Announcements?
Email Jessica at newsflash@nikonians.org, or drop us a line in the Podcast Feedback forum!
Posted by odle2 at 1:03 PM
December 1, 2007
Nikonians set up at Nikon Solutions Expo in Cologne
Nikonians Team leader Joachim Feser reports yesterday's arrival at the Nikon Solutions Expo found plenty of Nikon enthusiasts on hand.
The Nikonians Booth 175 was in the wonderfully renovated 100 year old Expo XXI location. Joe tells us his Nikonians volunteers were a great help and they all had a great time enjoying the abilities of the large format HP Photosmart Pro B9180 Printer provided by HP, which enabled them to print hi-resolution images on the spot.
Vistors to the Expo enjoyed fashion shows, body painting, art shooting tips and lectures on the new Nikon Cameras, including the D3 and D300, plus the new range of Vibration Reduction lenses.
Just like in London, many of the visitors were highly interested in the Gary Fong Lightsphere-II which is available through our PhotoProShop. It was being expertly demonstrated by Nikonian Albert Esschendal (alberte).
Posted by flashdeadline at 4:17 PM
Nikonians Turning Pro #1
Listen in to the brand new Nikonians Turning Pro Podcast with Ginae. Kicking your amateur status up a notch!
Click here to download Nikonians Turning Pro Podcast #1 (NPC-TP-2007-12-01; 13:13; 15.1MB, MP3 format).
Show Notes: December 1, 2007
1:29 What is a professional
2:25 The photographic community
3:42 Spending money on becoming a photographer
5:18 Covering your assets
7:10 Why I blog :)
10:30 An online agency I just found
12:18 Expectations of my podcast
URL's mentioned in this episode
www.farmboyfinearts.com[iTunes] Subscribe to the Nikonians Podcast directly in iTunes
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Questions, Comments, Announcements?
Email Ginae at ginae@nikonians.org, or drop us a line in the Podcast Feedback forum!
Posted by bgs at 10:30 AM