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« May 2009 | Main | July 2009 »

June 30, 2009

Annotate! by Nikonians - New, free software

Annotate! by Nikonians is a free software tool which enables you to easily make notes directly onto images without any image editing needed. The program is very easy to use, making it easy to to give image critique, or to have teams working jointly on images, such as in publishing, architects ...

Direct download of Annotate! Just click the INSTALL button. The program runs on MS Windows only right now. We will likely launch a Macintosh version of the program later. A user guide is available by pressing function key "F1".

More information in the Nikonians Software Forum.

Posted by bgs at 10:57 AM

June 29, 2009

Nikonians News Flash #124

Newsflash_75px.jpg Tune in to your weekly edition of the Nikonians News Flash Podcast for all the very latest news from our friendly Nikonians Community

Download Nikonians News Flash #124
(NPC-NF-2009-06-29.mp3; 17:00; 6.8MB; MP3 format)

In the News Flash podcast this week:

Sandisk - fastest ever memory card!

Welcoming Photo Contest - it's back :-)

Best of Nikonians Contest - latest winner announced

News from Nik Software

Image Doctors - Edition 94 released

Do you have some News Flash podcast feedback? It would be great to hear from you - please email me at:

Thanks for listening,

James Davies
Nikonians Team Member & News Flash Podcaster

Posted by garglon at 9:42 PM

Photography Book Now International Competition Deadline Nears

The Photography.Book.Now international juried book competition entry deadline is just three weeks away.

PBN_logo_209x64.png This competiton, featuring a Grand Prize of $25,000 USD, is presented by and features additional prize packages from major photo imaging industry organizations.
For more details, Check our competition announcement News Blog.

Posted by flashdeadline at 5:15 PM

June 26, 2009 continues its Welcoming Contest — The World Wide Home for Nikon Photographers — continues its Welcoming Photo Contest for New Members. This time, members registering between June 22nd and July 19th will be eligible to enter and have a chance to win one of four Nik Color Efex Pro for Capture NX2 - Complete Edition software packs with 52 Filters by Nik Software, valued at $179.95 USD.

cep3_nx2.jpg Color Efex Pro 3.0 for Capture NX 2 offers a comprehensive, powerful, and easy to use set of filters to satisfy demanding enthusiasts and professional photographers.

Details on how to enter can be found at the Nikonians New Members forum here

A new winner will be selected every week for the next four weeks.
The first winner will be announced June 29th, 2009
The last one of this series on July 20, 2009

Posted by jrp at 2:19 AM

June 25, 2009

ID#94: The Image Doctors

Jason & Rick explore the subject of flower photography in this week's episode.

Download The Image Doctors #94 (NPC-ID-2009-06-25.m4a; 49:20; 13.5MB; MP4 format)

This episode proudly brought to you by Tamron, makers of fine optics for your Nikon camera.

  Show Notes: June 25, 2009

Flower Photography


Photo Prescription: Diopter adjustments

For the MP3 version of this podcast (audio only) click here (22 MB).

[iTunes] Subscribe to the Image Doctors directly in iTunes.
[RSS] Add the Image Doctors feed to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically to you.
[Vote] Vote for us on Podcast Alley!

Posted by drjay32 at 6:00 AM

June 20, 2009

Nik Software - The Complete Collection Ultimate Edition


Hamburg, June 17, 2009 — Nik Software today announced that its popular Complete Collection, which bundles all of the company’s award-winning digital imaging software tools, is now also available as a Lightroom Edition at a special price of 299.95 Euros (incl. VAT).

The Complete Collection for Photoshop has been updated to include Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 support as well and also includes installers for Adobe Photoshop and Apple Aperture. Current registered owners of the Photoshop versions of Nik Software products can download and install the Lightroom compatible versions free of charge at

“The availability of the Lightroom versions of our entire product line completes a journey that we began approximately 3 months ago to rapidly update all of our software products for Lightroom compatibility,” said Michael J. Slater president and CEO of Nik Software. “Our goal at Nik Software is to deliver the tools that photographers need on the platforms they prefer in their everyday workflow.”

With the Complete Collection Lightroom Edition, each individual software product is installed as a plug-in for Lightroom 2. Once installed in Lightroom, Dfine 2.0, Viveza, Color Efex Pro 3.0, Silver Efex Pro and Sharpener Pro 3.0 are accessible via the Photo>Edit In… menu. Edits made using the plug-ins within Lightroom are non-destructive in nature, with edits applied automatically to a newly generated TIFF file and not the original. Each product also takes advantage of Lightroom and its efficiencies for every day tasks, like the ability to edit multiple images in one session, saving time for photographers.

All Nik Software products included in the Complete Collection feature Nik’s patented U Point technology which revolutionizes the way photographers edit. U Point powered Control Points give photographers precise selective editing functions without the need to create complicated selections and layer masks. This innovative technology is easy to use and works directly on the image, empowering photographers to make selective enhancements in a fraction of the time needed by using other methods.

Pricing and Availability

The Complete Collection Lightroom Edition as well as the Complete Collection Aperture Edition (MSRP: 299.95 Euros incl. 19% German VAT) are available in electronic form directly from Nik Software ( or in boxed versions from Nik Software and through specialty camera retailers. This applies analogously to Nik Software’s Complete Collection for Photoshop, Lightroom, Aperture and Elements (MSRP: 599.95 Euros incl. 19% German VAT). A complete list of resellers may be found at

Customers who currently own Photoshop versions of Nik Software products may use their product keys to install the Lightroom versions.

And remember, contributing Silver, Gold and Platinum Nikonians Members receive an additional 20% off all Nik Software products. Go to Nikonians Rewards to claim your discount now!

Posted by covey22 at 12:01 AM

June 17, 2009

Nikonians Rewards Program Bargain Alert

Your Nikonians Rewards Program savings already give you a 10% discount on all products from onOne Software products, but for a limited time only you can take advantage of a major Photoshop plug-in special that can save you $150.00 USD.


Plug-In Suite 4.5 is the latest version of onOne Software's Photoshop® plug-in collection, which combines the recently announced FocalPoint 1.1, Genuine Fractals 6 Professional Edition, PhotoTools 2 Professional Edition and PhotoFrame 4 Professional Edition in addition to Mask Pro 4 and PhotoTune 2.2.

If you were to purchase each of these six powerful plug-ins separately the total cost would be close to $1,300 USD. The special offer makes it all available at $349.95. Your Nikonians Rewards program savings already allow for a 10% discount on all products from onOne Software, so you can still get a good bargain on separate purchases of each of the plug-ins included in this special discount.
If you want to take advantage of the Plug-In Suite 4.5 special offer (which includes all six of the top onOne Software plug-ins for Photoshop) to maximize your savings potential, now is the time to check this bargain out. Sorry, but in this one instance, you won't be able to apply the Nikonians 10% discount to the already massive (and limited time only) price drop in addition to the Plug-In Suite 4.5 Special offer.

The special discount offer expires on June 25, 2009.

Posted by flashdeadline at 2:53 PM

Think Tank Photo provides new product video sneak peek

Ready to launch a new camera bag system designed for those shooting still, audio, and video in the field, Think Tank Photo has released a video "sneak peek."

TT-Video.jpg Think Tank Photo co-founder Deanne Fitzmaurice collaborated with Emmy Award winning multimedia producer Dai Sugano on the video.

Shot mostly in San Francisco's Chinatown, the video gives us a glimpse of the new "Multimedia Wired Up Collection" — which clearly shows the system handling the needs of a still photographer as well as supporting audio and video gear.

Deanne and Dai are on the cutting edge of photojournalists utilizing Multimedia DSLRs such as the Canon 5D Mark II and the Nikon D90 to produce visual journalistic stories of immense depth.

The video is available for viewing at
The Multimedia Wired Up Collection will be available next month.

Posted by flashdeadline at 7:09 AM

June 11, 2009

ID#93: The Image Doctors

This week, Arnold Crane joins Jason as our guest podcaster, filling in for Rick, who is on vacation. Hear about Arnold's projects and how he plans to convert some of his older Leitz lenses to F-mount.

Download The Image Doctors #93 (NPC-ID-2009-06-11.m4a; 49:20; 12.1MB; MP4 format)

This episode proudly brought to you by Tamron, makers of fine optics for your Nikon camera.

  Show Notes: June 11, 2009

Guest podcaster: Arnold Crane


Converting older lenses to F-mount


Photo Prescription: Adapter rings

For the MP3 version of this podcast (audio only) click here (17 MB).

[iTunes] Subscribe to the Image Doctors directly in iTunes.
[RSS] Add the Image Doctors feed to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically to you.
[Vote] Vote for us on Podcast Alley!

Posted by drjay32 at 6:00 AM

June 9, 2009

Nikon Rechargeable Batteries for Coolpix L100

Responding to "consumer demand," Nikon has updated the firmware for the popular Coolpix L100 camera to support rechargeable lithium batteries.

In addition, Nikon plans to release sets of OEM NiMH rechargeable AA batteries (EN-MH2-B4) and a matching charger (MH-73). Both items will be available as a set (EN-MH2-B4 Set). The availability is projected for this summer, with pricing TBA.

Editor's notes: It is unclear at this time whether the firmware will allow use of third-party NiMH rechargeables. The firmware is not currently available on any of the Nikon Knowledgebase Support portals.

Posted by covey22 at 3:23 PM

June 8, 2009

Nikonians News Flash #123

Newsflash_75px.jpg Tune in to your weekly edition of the Nikonians News Flash Podcast for all the very latest news from our friendly Nikonians Community, brought to you this week by Tamron - a leading manufacturer of digital camera lenses for all photographic situations. Experience the award-winning mega zoom Tamron 18-270mm with "VC" Vibration Compensation.

Sorry for not getting last weeks podcast out to you all, just simply ran out of time due to other commitments, shouldn't happen too often though - James :-)

Download Nikonians News Flash #122
(NPC-NF-2009-06-08.mp3; 17:00; 7.2MB; MP3 format)

In the News Flash podcast this week:

Edition 92 of the Image Doctors - ready for download

Mastering the Nikon D90 - now available for pre-order

Photobook Savings for Nikonians at Blurb

Nikon Service Advisory

Do you have some News Flash podcast feedback? It would be great to hear from you - please email me at:

Thanks for listening,

James Davies
Nikonians Team Member & News Flash Podcaster

Posted by garglon at 5:48 PM

Nikonians enjoy Photobook Savings with Blurb

Nikonians members can enjoy discount savings when creating high-quality photo books through Blurb.

Members can apply a USD 10 discount (on purchases of USD 29.95 or greater) towards any of Blurb's photo book products - wedding albums, portfolios, business books and more. Subscribing Nikonians members can access this and many other valuable savings in our discount program by clicking on

Posted by covey22 at 4:17 PM

Mastering the D90 Book pre-orders now available

Mastering the Nikon D90, our fourth in a series of books in the joint venture between NikoniansPress and publisher Rocky Nook is now available for pre-order. The publisher's notes on this new book tell us:

D90-Book-Cover_250.jpg "In this book, Darrell Young provides a wealth of information and professional insights for owners of this powerful new camera. Each chapter explores the features and capabilities of the D90 in detail, surpassing basic user manuals by providing step-by-step menu setting adjustments coupled with illustrations and logical explanations for each option. Darrell Young's writing style allows the reader to follow directions in a friendly and informative manner, as if a friend dropped in to share his experienced knowledge... Darrell gives special emphasis to the amazing HD movie capabilities of the D90, which create new possibilities for the creative photographer."

Our members are already enjoying their copies of

Mastering the Nikon D300 by Darrell Young

The Nikon Creative Lighting System: Using the SB-600, SB-800, SB-900, and R1C1 flashes by Mike Hagen.

Mastering the D700, by Darrell Young and James Johnson.

All four books include a special Nikonians 50%-off voucher discount for a one year Gold Membership in the Nikonians community. This will save you $37.50 USD.

Posted by flashdeadline at 2:38 AM