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April 19, 2010
New Compact Prime Lenses from Zeiss
The trend of filming in high definition using a digital SLR camera is unstoppable. Carl Zeiss now introduces the world’s first set of cine lenses designed especially for HD-SLR cameras: the Compact Prime CP.2 lenses.The Compact Prime CP.2 lenses introduce interchangeable mounts that allow the lenses to be used with a wide range of cameras, from traditional cine to HDSLR systems. Available with three different mounts – PL, EF and F – this new family of Zeiss lenses enables cinematographers to be completely free in their choice of camera systems while ensuring a high consistency of images.
The iris opening consists of 14 high-precision blades, which stay consistently round and symmetrical over the entire T-stop range.
The lenses cover a full-frame 24 x 36 image format without vignetting. They will be based around a common aperture of T2.1 for the standard set.
About T-Stops: br>In case you are new to cinematography with your Nikon single-lens reflex, the motion picture industry prefers to use T-stop references for the lens apertures instead of f-stops. The "T" stands for the actual transmission value of the lens at a particular aperture. T-Stops are similar to f-stops, but they are tested and matched to a fine degree, ensuring that a T-stop on one lens is identical in light transmission properties to the same number on any other lens. A good comparison would be to think of an f-stop as a very good wristwatch telling accurate time. The T-stop would be equivalent to a chronograph, which serves the same purpose but to a more precise degree.
According to Zeiss, the new lenses will be available from June 2010, prices have not been announced yet.
Get more at the homepage of Zeiss.
Posted by joef at April 19, 2010 12:51 PM