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« Nikonians News Flash Extra #12 |Main| Nikonians welcome new partner ACDSee »

August 31, 2010

Nikonians Academy in the UK

After the first hours of operation, Nikonians Academy in the UK have been selling a substantial number of seats of the popular Nikon camera body and Nikon iTTL/CLS workshops in Manchester, Birmingham and London. The customers, typically amateur photographers of all calibers, but also pro's are paying an introductory price of 150 EUR (ca 123 GBP) for a full day, information-loaded course.

The first courses: Master your Nikon D300/D300s in depth and Master your Nikon i-TTL Wireless Flash are running in London October 2nd and October 3rd 2010 and all courses are of course open to all Nikonians from all over the world, not only for Nikonians living in the United Kingdom.

These first workshops are followed shortly by the Master your Nikon D90 & D80 on October 16th and another chance to get to know your i-TTL flash system inside out on October 17th. The venue for these courses is also London.

At the end of October, on the 30th and 31st, Manchester follows with photography workshops on D300/D300s and iTTL/CLS.

For the ones of us with Nikon D700 and Nikon D3's (including the D3S and D3X), we are running workshops in all three cities in November.

Posted by bgs at August 31, 2010 2:14 PM