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January 6, 2012
Glamour Photography workshop confirmed!
It all seems to be quite easy. You can see those pictures around you, they are everywhere. Beautiful models are smiling at you from every poster at the shopping mall, from the every second page of your wife's glossy magazine and even at the grocery shop from that reduced fat yoghurt. I bet every one of you has thought at least once, that it would be great if you would be that guy looking at that girl through your viewfinder and you would press the shutter to make your name appear in the small prints at the bottom of the picture and you would make your pub friends jealous telling them you made that picture above the bar.
Well why not? What do you need for that? First thing you'll need, of course, is the camera and some lenses. Check. Off camera flash, eventually reflector. Check. Studio lights. Check. Well you don't actually need to have those, you can hire a studio, there you have backgrounds as well. Check. And I'm pretty sure you can find some decent looking girl to stand in front of your camera. Now you got all equipment together, studio booked and the model in the changing room. Plenty of guys have done it before and many will do in future. So, how hard can it be?
As it probably will turns out, quite hard... Light is not quite right, camera lives its own life no matter what you do with it, flashes wouldn't flash and model is all confused. After an hour of hard work you have some pictures, but they are nothing like those you've seen in the magazine and you'll soon realize it's been quite a disaster.
If you haven't completely written off your new career as a glamour photographer, next time you should really know what you are doing. And you'll probably will find pretty difficult to get better opportunity than Glamour Photography workshop which Nikonians Academy Europe has prepared for you with Giuseppe Circhetta in 28 - 29 of January 2012 in Legnano (Milan) in Italy.
Here you'll learn what equipment you really need and how to get best result out of your camera. You will have an idea why the light is so important to the picture and you will know how to set it and how to manipulate it. Once you'll handle your equipment, you will focus at the model and you will be able to communicate with her in the right way to instruct her to do what do you want. Doesn't that sounds great?! After the shoot you'll be shown how to make your pictures look like they are from the fashion poster. Your instructor for the weekend will be Giuseppe Circhetta, our fashion and beauty expert. For detailed information about this workshop, please click here. We are looking forward to meet you there!
The Glamour workshop has now been confirmed to go through. So if you were holding off booking or making travel arrangements in case the workshop got cancelled, you can safely book now!
Posted by pkuzmin at January 6, 2012 9:54 AM