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April 21, 2014
Switching "skins" is easy
Want a different view as you read our forum discussions?
It's easy.
Many of our new members have been asking how to switch from our classic white lettering on black background to another view with black lettering on a light background.
When you first join the community your default viewpoint looks like this:
This has long been a preferred approach for our members who want black backgrounds behind photographs for an enhanced viewpoint. However, there are just as many members who prefer a traditional black lettering on light background approach, and they can "switch skins" to make it look like this:
If you want to switch your "skin" just go to your User Menu
and click on the Preferences Tab.
There you will find (the second item listed) your option to change from the classic white on black, to the newer black on white, called Nikonians V2.0.
Choose that skin and make sure you go to the bottom of the screen and hit "Save."
You will now be viewing in the Nikonians V2.0 mode.
Posted by flashdeadline at April 21, 2014 8:29 AM