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October 6, 2016

CreativeLive workshops online

CRLV-BOX-OUTLINE-sq_110.jpgWatch them live for free. You can also purchase previous workshops from them on hundreds of different topics.

Our Nikonians Academy Director, Mike Hagen has recommended a variety of workshops for Nikonians members focused on Travel, landscape and nature photography here.

He has also taught a number of live classes for CreativeLive that you might be interested in, such as:

Photographing Panoramas for Large Prints
Nikon Wireless Flash for Creative Photography
Using The Nikon Autofocus System

SteveSimon_125.jpgJoin Steve Simon for one of his two workshops to Cuba this December and January.

This intimate six-day masterclass (limited to 10 students) will take you to some of the most picturesque, interesting and exciting locations on and off the beaten path in Havana and beyond.

Steve has been traveling to Cuba for many years now and has a great knowledge of this country.

His workshops are based on the concepts from his best-selling book, The Passionate Photographer, and work to take the student from good to great. Steve's next trips begin December 10th and January 16th.

Hulbert_175.jpgRick Hulbert is running a really fun workshop to Budapest, Hungary in May, 2017.

His class will be a photographic exploration of this beautiful city that straddles the banks of the Danube River. This is a true photography workshop and Rick will be working with participants to improve their photography of urban areas, including buildings, man-made spaces, and street photography.

Rick stresses that you won't need fancy equipment to enjoy this trip. In fact, any and every brand of camera will work. So, feel free to bring your Nikon (of course!), Canon, Fuji, Pentax, Sony or iPhone.

Posted by flashdeadline at October 6, 2016 4:24 PM