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December 13, 2016

Congrats Darrell Young -- D500 book debuts at #1

screen-amzn-SQ-d500_110.jpgCongratulations to Nikonians author Darrell Young for debuting his latest NikoniansPress/Rocky Nook book at the number one position in Amazon's Digital Photography New Releases category.

Mastering the Nikon D500, is now in stock at in both printed form and Kindle (and in printed and eBook bundle on If you go for the Rocky Nook bundle, don't forget to use the coupon code YOUNG2016 at checkout for 35% off the price.

Amzn-Screen-D500_325.jpgIf you have a Nikon D500 or plan to acquire one, please consider Darrell Young's Mastering the Nikon D500.

Darrell tells us:
"I put a huge amount of effort into experimenting with all aspects of the Nikon D500 and there are details in my book that you won't find elsewhere. It has 656 pages of deep information--in a very understandable form--that will help you learn every aspect of using your Nikon D500.

Darrell-Young_200.jpgI am amazed at the new features Nikon has added to this camera. It is setting standards for connectivity and functionality. I have never seen a Nikon DSLR this complex!

It took extra time to write the book due to the numerous extra features. Many photographers who have used Nikon DSLRs previously may not fully realize how much depth Nikon has added to this camera.

Even if you've had the D500 for several months, I think you will be surprised at the many new things you will find as you read the book with your camera in hand. Additionally, Mastering the Nikon D500 includes a 50% off Coupon for a Nikonians Gold Membership.
Thank you for considering my book."
- Darrell Young

Posted by flashdeadline at 11:13 PM

December 6, 2016

Call for Entries - New Contest offers $10,000 in prizes

Lensculture-Awards-SQ_110.jpgYou are invited to participate in the First Ever Nikonians Photography Awards!
The Nikonians Photography Awards 2017 is an opportunity for photographers of all levels to enter their work and engage with peers in the photo industry, be eligible for awards including an online exhibition of your photos, and get professional reviews and critics of your work.

Prizes include $10,000 in camera gear, online learning programs and exposure of your work to a global audience. Our international jury panel will select 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners as well as 25 finalists. You are invited to enter your images.

Enter this new Nikonians Photography contest now.
Deadline: Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Submission of images will include a modest entry fee.

This contest is open to all types of photography:


Get a Free Professional Review
For the Nikonians Photography Awards 2017 we are proud to be working in partnership with LensCulture, to provide each application you make with an optional free Professional Review.

LensCulture believes that every photographer who applies to the Nikonians Photography Awards deserves thoughtful feedback on their work. These professional reviews deliver insightful, critical feedback plus recommendations for improving your practice and preparing your work for such opportunities as competitions, grants, juried exhibitions, and other calls for entries.


Ken Geiger - Director of Photography, The Nature Conservancy
Brendan McCabe - Photo Editor, Smithsonian Magazine
Michael Yamashita - Photographer, The Photo Society
Alexander Strecker - Managing Editor, LensCulture
Mike Hagen - Photographer, Author and Owner, Visual Adventures
David Summers - Director, Moderator and Photo Contests Director, Nikonians


1st Place - $5,000
2nd Place - $3,000
3rd Place - $2,000

Lensculture-Awards-Gear_175.jpg1st, 2nd and 3rd place winning photographers will receive vouchers to purchase the camera equipment of their choice from B&H Photo Video. Cameras, lenses, drones, tripods, flashes, lighting, filters, accessaries & more are available from brands including Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Leica, Olympus, Sony & so many more.

Online Workshops and Learning Opportunities
Lensculture-Awards-workshops_200.jpgWinning photographers and finalists will receive vouchers to select a series of their choice in classes from CreativeLive's Camera & Gear curriculum.

Plus, you will enjoy a 10% off discount good for a full year of Nikonians "in person" learning events including workshops in Galapagos, Iceland, Sri Lanka, Cuba, Tokyo, and more as well as the twice yearly Nikonians Photo Adventure Trips.

Nikonians Platinum Membership
Lensculture-Awards-Platinum_200.jpgAll winning photographers will receive a free one-year platinum membership to Nikonians. With a value of over $200 this membership level is the highest offered to the Nikonians community with the most complete access to forums, galleries, content, community and discounts.

Massive Exposure to our Nikonians audience with an online exhibition
Winning images will be showcased in the Nikonians 2017 Online Exhibition, accessible by photography-lovers all over the world immediately after the results are announced as well as long after the competition closes.

Selected photographers will also be published in feature articles on and published across Nikonians social media and editorial channels.

Don't miss this opportunity to let your photography skills earn you a prestigious award plus great prizes.
Enter the Nikonians Photography Awards 2017 contest now.

Nikonians has partnered with LensCulture to give you access to this organization who develops and fosters opportunities that help you move your photography career forward creatively and professionally.

Through this partnership photographers can apply to be featured in an Online exhibition as well as gain access to many opportunities for exposure, recognition and learning through LensCulture.

Posted by flashdeadline at 9:48 PM

Congrats October Contest Winners

Digital-Art-SQ-Dog-Halloween_110.jpgNikonians Contest Coordinator David Summers (dm1dave) has posted the results of the October contests. 
Congratulations to our winners!

Our member driven contests are unique in many ways. 

Unlike most other photo contests the workings of our contests are transparent.

Our members choose the monthly themes, all entries are visible to the entire community as they are posted and you are the judges not an invisible behind the scenes "expert."

Check our winning images legend below and scroll down for the names of the winners.

Each photo title serves as a link, which will lead you to explanations behind some of the photographs and an overall look at the competition.


1. -- Wildlife "Wildlife Emotions" theme winner Michael Kawerninski (qanik), from British Columbia, Canada with his image titled Happiness is.

2. -- Landscape "Wild waters" theme winner Charlie Choc (cchoc) from Georgia, USA with his image titled Rainbow in the Mist.

3. --  Macro "Intimate Landscapes" theme winner Dean Andersen (DeanAZ) from Arizona, USA with his image titled Island In the Stream.

4. -- Travel "Hustle and Bustle" theme winner Barbara Colbert (Britbear) from Illinois, USA with her image titled Spice Market Porter.

5. -- Digital Artistry "Halloween" theme winner Candi Foltz (CandisCamera) from Florida, USA with her image titled China-Pug Witch.

6. -- Assignment ""Forests" theme winner Scott Ashley (scottashley) from Colorado, USA with his image titled Split trees on mountainside.

Interested in submitting your photos?

If you want to participate, please be sure to enter one of the monthly competitions listed in David Summers' contest guide.

The Online Photo Assignments category is coordinated by Rob Migliaccio (rmigliaccio) from Rhode Island, USA. You can check his recap of past winners here.

The current (November) assignment is "Bottles".

Check out Rob's description:

Here's a great opportunity to photograph your favorite beverage.

It may seem easy, but there are things you need to think about - i.e. do you want to eliminate reflections, what kind of background should you have? -  etc. Have fun with this assignment, but make sure the image is wall worthy.

Posted by flashdeadline at 8:45 PM