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May 3, 2018

Printing your image big, really big

20180419_131634_e-almost-done-110px.jpgIn this weeks update I have four items:

1) Community: There is a time-limited opportunity for all Basic and Silver members to go for an annual Gold membership at a 33% discount to up their photography.

2) The working photographer: Chicago-based professional Nikonian Darryll Schiff shares how he did a really big, 56' x 24' (17m x 7.5m) print decorating a building in the city.

3) Inspiration: ANPAT18 Spring Edition is over and the participants are back home processing and sharing their lovely images from their Smokies trip.

4) Community: We've just turned 18 years old, a pretty amazing age on the Internet time scale. Ramón and I say thank you, it is you we are celebrating!

Enjoy your ad-free and independent community this weekend.
Bo (bgs)

Between now and 12th of May 2018 you get $25 USD (25 EUR) off on an annual Gold Membership at Nikonians using the voucher "goldenmay18"

As a Gold member you have your own portfolio showcased at the Nikonians homepage plus under your unique address

You further have access to the Premium Critique forum with NEF and large JPG uploads, where you get advice and critique to bring your photography to new heights, plus you get your unique email address. More info

The working photographer
Darryll shares how he did a really big print decorating a building in the South Loop, which is immediately next to Chicago's booming downtown as a part of the Wabash Arts Corridor, an urban lab for "creative expression, innovation and excellence in the arts". Read the article

The final artwork took half a year of dedicated effort to get on display.

The participants of the ANPAT18 Spring Edition are back from the Great Smokey Mountains National Park and the first images are up in the galleries. Enjoy.

On April 30th, 2018 the community turned 18 years old. For many young Nikonians that birthday is often of major significance. Turning 18 is pretty amazing for anyone that started out on the Internet as well, especially in these times of rapid glory and quicker bust.

Ramón and I cannot say it often enough: The community would not be what it is, or be at all, without all of you dedicated supporters, helpers and members from all walks of life and from all places on our beautiful, blue planet. It is you that are the community. You are the center of our universe.

Big, sincere thanks to you all for pushing and nudging us, for believing in us and in the core plan of being a friendly place with a true community spirit on the Net, for helping and supporting that vision, both with your time and financially through paid memberships and donations. Btw, we have this timeline document on the community that you might find interesting.

Posted by bgs at May 3, 2018 11:14 AM