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July 27, 2019
Congratulations Contest Winners
The winners of the Best of Nikonians - Segment Two and the Nikonians Portrait Challenge have ben announced.
The theme of the Best of Nikonians - Segment Two was Motion.
The winning image is "Skimming Stones" by Gerald Oliver (geraldroliver)
Honorable mention go to the members below.
"Whirling Dervish" by Jeff Atchley (Graceland)
"Grand Central--the Melting Pot" by Gary Paige (JazzDoc)
"DC at Night" by Dave Smith (smitheroosky)
"Maximum Effort" by William McEwen (Wolfgang55)
Please join us in congratulating these members.
Nikonians Portrait Challenge
The winning images is "Merleena's Skin Art" by Wen Wu (wwp512)
Honorable mention go to the members below.
"A Portrait within the Portrait" by Jeff Atchley (Graceland)
"Village Lady in Local Tribal Attire" by S D Dharmadhikari (ESSDEEDEE)
"Sisters" by Godofredo Baylon (GBaylon)
"Young Boxer" by Connie Cassinetto (Via the Lens)
Please join us in congratulating these members.
Posted by dm1dave at 8:10 PM
July 15, 2019
Nikonians Self Portrait Challenge 2019
This is a Special Edition Contest, an extension of our big annual contest. Up to five images from this challenge will be advanced to the finals of The Best of Nikonians 2019 Contest.
We are looking for your best self-portraits. Portraits can range from formal studio shots to fun creative shots, such as shadows, reflections, etc.
Nikonians Self Portrait Challenge will open for entries until August 15 2019.
This contest is open only to Silver, Gold and Platinum members. The Nikonians Team is not eligible for this particular contest.
If you are currently a basic member there is still time to upgrade your membership and join the competition.
The Nikonians Team will choose the winner and 4 honorable mentions. All 5 images will be advanced to the finals of the Best of Nikonians 2018 contest.
The winner will be announced before the end of August and will be recognized in the Nikonians Blog and will receive a printable Certificate of Photographic Achievement.
We look forward to seeing how you fulfill this challenge!
Click here to enter.
Vote now!
Be sure to vote for your favorite images from the June contests. Voting is open to all registered members.
Here is a full list of Current Contest & Polls.
Posted by dm1dave at 5:29 PM
July 7, 2019
July Contest Updated
All of the Junly contests are up and running.
Contests are open in Wildlife, Landscape, Macro, Travel, and Digital Artistry Forums.
Dont miss you chance to get your image in the second segmnet of the Best of Nikoninas 2019 Contest, the theme is Motion. Enteries will close on July 15.
The Nikonians Portrait Challenge is also closing on July 15. Lets see your best work!
All contests are open to Silver, Gold and Platinum members.
Can you meet the challenge of our monthly contests? All contests are open to Silver, Gold and Platinum members.
This month's themes are...
Wildlife > Action on the water
Landscape > A Low Viewpoint
Macro/Closeup > Backlit
Travel > Street Life
Digital Artistry > Abstract
Be sure to vote for your favorite images from the April contests. Voting is open to all registered members.
Here is a full list of Current Contest & Polls.
Wildlife Poll: Wildlife with young
Landscape Poll: Long Exposure Seascape
Macro/Closeup Poll: Facial Features
Travel Poll: Interesting People
Digital Artistry Poll: Word
Posted by dm1dave at 8:34 PM
July 2, 2019
May Contest Winners
Please join us in congratulating our most recent contest winners.
All winning images have been entered in the annual Best of Nikonians 2019 Contest.
Click on the name of the member to offer your congratulations.
Bill Klipp (billklipp)
Theme: Wildlife Courtship
Title: Mating Ritual Elegant Terns
Henning Bossen (henbo)
Theme: The Beauty of Shadows
Title: Soussusvlei
Duncan Drummond (Lucaduca)
Theme: Details of Spring
Title: Silk tree ripe for pollination
Henning Bossen (henbo)
Theme: Abandoned Places
Title: Ghost Town
Digital Artistry
Judith Dunn (topper1946)
Theme: Black and White
Title: Dandelion
Non-Nikon Camera Special Edition Contest Winners
We had a great set of images submitted to our People & Culture contest in the Non-Nikon Cameras forum. The polling was close all month and ultimately ended in a tie.
The two winning images are...
Name: Jim Troxell (FFN)
Title: Dayhawks
Name: Russ Glindmeier (russg)
Title: Orme Dam Victory Days Rodeo
See the Current Contests post for up-to-date contest listings.
Posted by dm1dave at 9:49 PM