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November 18, 2022
Photo Assignment - A Striking Still Life
Can you make the ordinary seem extraordinary?
Challenge yourself, get creative and test your photography skills using almost anything you have laying around the house to create A Striking Still Life.
A still life is an artfully arranged (posed) collection of inanimate objects that set a scene. The still life photographer controls all the elements -- subject material, lighting, depth of focus, and the fore-, middle-, and background to create the image. Food is a classic subject (e.g., a bowl of fruit on a sideboard) but still life images can be created from any inanimate grouping. Tools, toys, flowers and paper have been used to great effect. A cigar in a crystal ashtray might be a still life, but if you add a book, inverted reading glasses, and a crystal tumbler of spirits, the scene suggests you are relaxing with a good book. A still life is a scene.
Submit your photos now ---> November - December Assignment - Striking Still Life
There are no other restrictions except that your image(s) MUST BE TAKEN DURING THE MONTHS OF November and December, 2022.
Image: Dec 2019 Assignment Best Submission by Keith Hamel (KJH1958)
Posted by dm1dave at November 18, 2022 7:17 PM