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February 26, 2023
Monthly Update 26-FEB-2023
Monthly update with the latest Editor's Choice images and top discussions at Nikonians.
Below you'll find the latest Editor's Choice images and top discussions at Nikonians. You'll find more, excellent images on the Editor's Choice page Fresh From the Mud Hole by craigwilliamsdmd - Show online - Like - Comment January Contest - "Beach Time" by petermo - Show online - Like - Comment Editor: Lovely light and composition! polar bear tales by topper1946 - Show online - Like - Comment Editor: Wow! What an amazing series, Judith. Well captured! Frosty leaf on ice by Dubya_b - Show online - Like - Comment Editor: Nicley composed, I really like the color against the dark ice. A Door With a View by RandallHartman - Show online - Like - Comment Editor: Great composition and B&W conversion. Z 9 on Safari by acmwallace - Show online - Like - Comment Editor: Great image, Andy. Love the the reflection and darkened background. Cape Hatteras Lighthouse by mborgare - Show online - Like - Comment Editor: Perfect blue hour shot. Nice how you captured the beams of light and of course that sky is amazing. This months top forum postings Nikon D500: D500 with 500mm lens vs 32MP camera with 400mm lens by RobCS1 13-Feb-23 04:04 PM (GMT) I have a D500 (21MP) with a 200-500mm lens. My friend has a 32MP camera with a 100-400mm lens. Without out having done a head-to-head comparison wondered which set up would provide a larger subject im... Nikon Z9: Z9 Reference Guide by drmike1 26-Jan-23 02:07 PM (GMT) The Z9 Reference Guide is 948 pages long. It is only available in digital form, which I find extremely slow and cumbersome to use on my iPhone. When I asked Nikon Professional Services for a printed c... Wildlife: Tropical Kingbird by Kipmm 29-Jan-23 06:03 PM (GMT) This Bird gave enjoyment to many Photographer's and Bird watchers this later summer and into the fall on Vancouver Island. The tropical kingbird is a large tyrant flycatcher. This bird breeds from sou... Landscape: Landscape Composition - Part 7: the Thing About Sky by elcee 27-Jan-23 01:07 AM (GMT) I can't vouch for this webpage, or for parts 1-6, but I'm posting this link because the topic has been on my mind since sky replacement became a thing in Ps and LrC. The links to the previous articles... Glamour & Portrait, Studio & Still Life: Three more veterans from my project by CliffL 19-Feb-23 11:02 PM (GMT) I really appreciate the comments about my previous veteran image. Some have asked to see a few more so here are three. Two from Iraq/Afghanistan and one from Vietnam. The object being held by the man ... Weddings & Events: 24-70 s F4 by nevan 15-Feb-23 04:41 PM (GMT) Hi all, i'm jumping very soon into the mirrorless world with the Z6ii !I believe I must go with the trend. I think that DSLR canvery well do the job but with the technology upgrading I think I have to... Architecture & Industrial Photography: Cape Hatteras Lighthouse by night by mborgare 02-Feb-23 04:12 PM (GMT) This one of the most photographed location at the Outerbanks. But my January Outerbank series would not be completed without a photo of this iconic location. It was a great evening, and we were lucky ... PJ, PR & Street: Edmonds, WA by mklass 14-Feb-23 04:12 PM (GMT) Just a few photos from a club street photography walk in Edmonds, WA. Z50; 20mm f/2.8 Sony; ISO 100; f/5.6; 1/125 sec https//www.nikonians.org/forums/user_files/485382.jpg Z50; 18-140mm f/3.5-6.3 VR Z... Sports: New Photography Business by Lorelai 10-Feb-23 02:51 AM (GMT) Hello - I have experience taking photos of youth soccer, and pro-level soccer for several years now - but always on a voluntary basis. I was recently offered an opportunity to take photos at the colle... Micro, Macro & Close-up: Cross-polarization of plastic spoon by hank970 26-Jan-23 02:37 AM (GMT) Here are some cross-polarized images of a transparent plastic spoon. The setup, as illustrated in the last picture, is pretty simple. I generated color swatches using my editing software and loaded th... Travel: Congratulations Tom Jacob by ScottChapin 01-Feb-23 10:37 AM (GMT) Please congratulate Tom for the winning capture "Street Shave" in the "Street Life" contest. The winning image will be added to the The image is also entered in the Best of Nikonians 2022 Cont... Infrared & Ultraviolet: Hot Mirror Filter for Full Spectrum Cameras by emi_fiend 28-Jan-23 09:10 PM (GMT) Does anyone have experience with a hot mirror filter on a full spectrum camera so that you can take visible light photos? I'm interested in how well these filters work in terms of color, etc. With thi... Motor Sports: 2023 Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona by vfnewman 30-Jan-23 01:55 AM (GMT) I just got done shooting the 24 Hours of Daytona. This year saw the debut of a new class of prototypes with entries from Acura, BMW, Porsche, and GM. The weather was very close to perfect and the crow... Astrophotography: Elephants Trunk Nebula IC 1396 by henbo 28-Jan-23 04:51 PM (GMT) Back in October I captured a set of images of the Elephant's Trunk Nebula, but only processed them recently. If I were going to shoot the same target again, I would probably change my framing, as I wo... Digital Artistry: Midnight Horse by Second Hand Pat 26-Jan-23 01:45 PM (GMT) Playing with technique taught by Gerri Jones. ... Post for Critique: Coin Macro by elec164 04-Feb-23 02:47 AM (GMT) Spurred by Keiths recent post in the Macro Forum I tried my hand at coin photography. And quite frankly it's been quite the challenge. I always thought this special edition coin would make an interest... B&W / Film & Digital: Blizzard! by marnigirl 29-Jan-23 03:54 AM (GMT) Bison Stampede during a blizzard. Image taken in Jackson, WY. ... A Picture I Took: Sun Bathing by REBZALMAN1 05-Feb-23 08:36 PM (GMT) South Florida has had several days of cold weather. Alligators do not have an internal mechanism for temperature control and come out of the water to sun themselves. I was not happy with the compositi... Family & Pets: Lazy Laverne by Dawnacious 29-Jan-23 08:18 AM (GMT) Laverne the Tuxedo Cat lazing the day away, hope you enjoy, Thanks for looking! Dawn ... Behind The Image: Backlit Light Bulb using iPad by gfeinberg 05-Feb-23 09:29 PM (GMT) At the suggestion of Larry (Elcee) and others I am happy to share details on how this shot was accomplished..... https https//www.nikonians.org/forums/user_files/484979.jpg I use a piece of foam core ... Black & White Film: Prints from Old Negatives by ColColt 28-Jan-23 03:28 PM (GMT) I couldn't find a more appropriate forum to ask this so, I thought I'd try here since I have quite a few old 2 1/4 sq. negatives of family. I printed the more important ones back in the 1980s on every... Books & Magazines: Adobe Photoshop CIB (2023 Release) by Conrad Chavez by Obregon 03-Feb-23 05:02 PM (GMT) Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book (2023 Release) by Conrad Chavez Even before I tell you why you might want to use this book, I need to qualify my advice. I've been a serious photographer for almo... Macro & Close-Up Contest (Monthly): February Contest Topic-- Snow and Ice. by coolmom42 02-Feb-23 06:58 AM (GMT) This month's challenge theme is "Snow and Ice" -- a close-up or macro shot, with snow or ice as a major or important component of the image. Example photo by John McGarry -- Entrants must be Silver... Wildlife Contest (Monthly): Feb Contest - Slitherin' - Snakes and,,, by dm1dave 01-Feb-23 02:32 AM (GMT) The January theme is 2023 March -Seeing Red April -April Showers May -Here's Looking at You ** If you have suggestions for future contest themes, please send me a PM or and email. Please remember to a... Digital Artistry Contest (Monthly): February Contest Topic-- Snow and Ice. by coolmom42 08-Feb-23 09:06 AM (GMT) This month's challenge theme is Snow and Ice -- a digitally manipulated photo that has snow or ice, manmade or natural, as a major component or primary subject of the image. Please keep in mind tha... ... and, that's it, folks! Your Nikonians Team If you want to give us feedback or have ideas on this email, just let us know in the About Nikonians forum. |
Posted by bgs at February 26, 2023 5:15 PM