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January 12, 2025

Weekly Update 12-Jan-2025

This weeks Editor's Choice images and top discussions at Nikonians - 12 January 2025

You'll find more, excellent images on the Editor's Choice page

Shrub Rose
Shrub Rose by gwolosh - Show in galleries
Editor: A beautiful UV Induced Fluorescence image.

Postcard from Yosemite
Postcard from Yosemite by DaveSoderlund - Show in forums
Editor: Stunning view and colors Dave!

Exporing a style
Exporing a style by LPR - Show in galleries
Editor: Beautiful light and motion.

Great Gray Take Off
Great Gray Take Off by paulkammen - Show in forums
Editor: Wow! That rig is in very capable hands! The eyes are simply amazing

Three Days with Union Pacific's 4014: Part 3 of 3
Three Days with Union Pacific's 4014: Part 3 of 3 by pqtrths - Show in forums
Editor: What a thrill to follow this great locomotive for three days. Wonderful capture!

Pine Island
Pine Island by Jog217 - Show in galleries
Editor: Beautiful colors, light, sky, and reflection!

Leopard collection - A favorite big cat :)
Leopard collection - A favorite big cat :) by bryanpereira - Show in forums
Editor: Excellent environmental shot Bryan, nailed the eyes !

This weeks top posts in the "Want to Sell" section

I Want to Sell: Nikon D500 DSLR by wgortmaker
Like new condition 11,400 activations Camera strap, manuals, sensor cover, battery, XQD card, SD card, charger, cables, clips, original box, USA serial number No scratches or blemishes, has a small dr...

This weeks top forum postings

Nikon D500: D500 firmware update link by fmrnykr
D500 users, firmware update link from the NIKON...

Nikon Z9 / Z8: Nikon Professional Services Recommendation by calford
Just as a matter of info, I have been a member of Nikon Professional Services for years. Recently, I had to send my Z9 in for a repair. Several weeks went by without any info on the repair, so I calle...

Wildlife: Early Morning Avocets by Second Hand Pat
My photo buddy and I went to Blackpoint Wildlife Dr. and the sunrise was behind clouds giving us rather dark shooting conditions. So the photos were pretty noisy and had to be carefully processed so n...

Landscape: Recent new member, first image post by routlaw
Wind River Range, thanks for looking ...

Glamour & Portrait, Studio & Still Life: Still Life with Beetle by bnuber
Continuing my exploration of monochrome compositions featuring a pop of color, in this case using decor from my condo buildings function room. Nikon Z6ii, Nikkor Z 105 MC, 1/125, f5.6, handheld with h...

Architecture & Industrial Photography: Summit Meeting by bnuber
Five towers lean in to exchange views at Clark Madison in Chicago Z50ii, Z DX 12-28 @ 14mm, f/4, 1/125, ISO 100. Cropped adjusted in LrC....

PJ, PR & Street: Three Days with Union Pacifics 4014: Part 3 of 3 by pqtrths
Three Days with Union Pacifics 4014 the front engine begins to swing to the left of the boilers centerline as the locomotive enters the #22 of #23 of #24 of #25 of 25. And I was published. Terry Armst...

Sports: Grand daughters first gymnastics meet by jimray
I took these using a Z50 with the 50-250 lens at our grand daughters first gymnastics meet which was also the first such meet Ive ever attended. Not knowing what to expect, which turned out to be a lo...

Micro, Macro & Close-up: Flourescent Ink Drops in Olive Oil by gwolosh
Experimented with UV fluorescent ink in a Petri dish filled with olive oil. The ink forms small, coherent droplets that sink to the bottom. The only lighting in the shots comes from the fluorescence o...

Underwater & Aquatic Life: VANCOUVER / SAN JUAN ISLANDS TO PHOTO ORCA WHALES by dkelly
I'm in the initial planning stages of a trip to the Vancouver / San Juan Islands area off the coast of Washington to photograph a variety of whales though the primary interest will be Orca whales. G...

Travel: Skylands Manor, NJ by Dangerspouse
My wife and I traveled with a few members of our camera club to tour the historic Skylands Manor at the New Jersey botanical gardens last weekend. While theres nothing to see botanically this time of ...

Aviation: Preflight by Lomcevak
N45752 gets a thorough going-over before beginning its work day....

Infrared & Ultraviolet: New Infrared B&W camera by o2goshooting
I have just gotten back into photography as a hobby (I recently retired). I have an old D80 that was converted to BW infrared, but find Im limited in the size of prints because of low resolution. Coul...

Motor Sports: IndyCar - Pato by BillyBobSenna
Just a few shots of Pato Oward during the 2024 St Petersburg...

Digital Artistry: An Iris in the Fall by massulo
Taken in my front yard, played with Autumn Textures....

Post for Critique: Getting some where by DWK001
Working through some more learning curves. I can't seem to remove some flash reflections with the remove tool in Lightroom..any pointers would be appreciated. I would have preferred a dickens book b...

B&W / Film & Digital: A Venerable Neighborhood in Winter by jdroach
Captured with a Nikon D750 with 24-120mm f4 lens (EXIF data is in the link below the image). This is a revisit and reprocessing of an image taken in 2017 which was a wide angle with more in the frame ...

A Picture I Took: Abbey Road PNW Style by mklass
A wall mural in Bremerton, WA. Z8, Laowa 10mm f/2.8 AF; ISO 1000; F/5.6; 1/250 sec...

Family & Pets: Jedi Grandson by jtmcg
My grandson got a light saber for Christmas. Hes ready for action. The background had a tv, chair, etc. so I changed it to black. Z6, 24-120 @ 40mm, 1/100s, f5.0, ISO 2500...

Behind The Image: Skyline Plaza by waldgott
Thanks for selecting my photo as editorss choice today. photo was taken on a bright, sunny winter day (January 9, 2024) in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. The building is part of the shopping mall skyline pl...

Photo Contest Info: Level of membership by gilpog
I am a member since 2022 and wish to submit images for contests. Instructions indicate that one has to be either a silver, or gold, or platinum member to submit. What am I? My member ship name is gilp...

Macro & Close-Up Contest (Monthly): December Contest - "My Best Macro Shot 2024" by sevendayimages
"It's the small things in the world that provide the most incredible detail." (Jack Dykinga) Get ready to look through your files of 2024 Nikonians "My Best Macro Shot 2024". Christmas is ar...

Landscape Contest (Monthly): January Contest - Rain, Snow, or Fog by dm1dave
The theme for January is March 2024 winner - Darryl Hodson (skibreeze7) RULES *Include the shooting info so we can learn from each other. *Include a title in the subject line. *This is a contest. Plea...

Digital Artistry Contest (Monthly): January Contest - Hot or Cold by dm1dave
This month's challenge theme is Lets see your artistic visions depicting the concept of Hot or Cold. Examples -- Entrants must be Silver, Gold or Platinum members -- Post up to 5 images but only on...

... and, that's it, folks!
Your Nikonians Team

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Posted by newsmachine at January 12, 2025 5:40 AM